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April 6, 2020
So What IS Going On At The Treasury?

Apr 6, 2020

The “United States Treasury” is actually the IMF, so the IMF is rolling out a new military script called the Treasury Dollar.

Here, attached, is the copy of the in-house verbiage. FB Readers go to my website to see it for yourself.


None of these Bozos have the brains to come to us and issue an actual asset-backed currency, even though we are standing here with ownership of the assets telling them how to do what has to be done.  

None of them will face facts and do the required re-venue of assets and credit to the people it belongs to.  

Pray down the vengeance of Heaven.  

Pray down the vengeance of Heaven upon these criminals. 

Pray down the vengeance of Heaven on these liars.  

We have the cure for the “corona virus” and these rats are trying to prevent us from deploying it.  They will not succeed.  

Pray for the destruction of the British Crown.  

Pray for the destruction of the Bankers who did this. 

Pray for the destruction of the Politicians who did this.  

Pray for the destruction of the Military Officers who did this.  

May they all disappear. 

May they vanish in the twinkling of an eye.  

May their fate be sealed.

Source: http://annavonreitz.com/




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