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August 6, 2024

None of the Childhood Vaccines Are Approved Based on Long-Term Placebo Trials

None of the vaccine doses the CDC recommends for routine injection into children were licensed by the FDA based on a long-term placebo-controlled trial.

Lawyer Aaron Siri acting at the behest of the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) has produced a remarkable chart. It lists every vaccine on the childhood schedule, how many doses are recommended, what age children are injected with it, the brand, who manufactures it, whether the clinical trial for this vaccine used a placebo, and how long the clinical trial lasted. And what the chart shows is that none of the vaccines on the childhood schedule were tested against an inert saline placebo and none of the trials were long enough to accurately measure harms.

This is the chart that you need before talking with a pediatrician or even before gathering with the extended family for Thanksgiving. This chart illustrates that the CDC Child and Adolescent Vaccine Schedule is the most horrifying example of regulatory capture in history. And Aaron Siri/ICAN have done it all in one page (after years of FOIA requests and litigation). This chart will save lives!

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