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If you are reading this, it is not by chance. Put yourself in a high level of consciousness, your future depends on what you do with the light you will receive here.

For well over a decade, we are directly involved almost exclusively in the spheres of what is popularly called GCR (Global Currency Reset)/RV, related to GESARA (Global Economic Security And Reformation Act) – the global version of NESARA. Make no mistake, the word ‘global’ here is not related to ‘one world government’, but quite the opposite, GESARA reforms are meant to tear the done world government apart.

​A decade on these issues and more than 2,500 contacts allows us to have judgment and intuition to share light about it as complexity, timelines, misinformation and rumors can cause anyone who is interested to lose interest or dismiss these issues.

Everything is being handled with the utmost prudence and discretion so that the transition is smooth, although some shocks are to be expected. Please note that there is not and there will be no governmental website in this regard.

Due to our privileged position, when the GCR funds are released we will have a huge amount of funds to carry out humanitarian and ecological projects worldwide. Meanwhile we invest all our time in staying informed and informing you. You are not alone, we stand together!

On this website you have two levels of information. One on the BLOG and one deeper on AWAKENING PRO. It’s up to you.


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